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Times have changed. The Coronavirus pandemic has terrorized the country for the past two months, forcing everyone inside and away from all things normal and routine. The virus, having brought the sports universe to a screeching halt, has created an entertainment void that desperately needs filling.

Jason Benetti and Dan Dakich are the men for the job.

The ESPN broadcast duo took social distancing to a whole new level with an awe-inspiring reenactment of the famous courtroom scene from “A Few Good Men”.

Benetti commented on his performance on The Dan Dakich Show:

“I still don’t have my answers and that’s why I’m here right now,” Benetti said. “It’s like you and Nicholson were meant to be together in spirit. It was a classic. I would say it’s gonna be on the awards list for #SportscasterScenes.”

Dakich agreed:

“I would think so, I don’t know why it wouldn’t be,” he said. “I personally thought that, my wife holding it up (the phone) while we had a pong table going…it was just too much. It was so much going on. We just nailed it.”

Hollywood won’t be calling anytime soon, and that’s the truth.

If you’ve never seen the original, you’ve been in quarantine far longer than the rest of us:


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